Wednesday, April 3, 2024

IWSG & Blogging News

  The Insecure Writer's Support Group is the brainchild of Alex J. Cavanaugh. He, his clones, minions, friends, and fellow authors make it an amazing event every month.

IWSG badge

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!  


April 3 question - How long have you been blogging? (Or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?) What do you like about it and how has it changed?

Looking at my side panel, I see I've been blogging since 2009. Wow - that's a long time.

I started blogging without a clue how to do pretty much anything involved with writing. But it's been fun and I've enjoyed it.

My favourite part of blogging is the people I've met. I've met so many amazing writers and readers. I've learned most of what I know from people I've met through blogging. The connections I've made with bloggers, writers, and readers have been incredible.

Having said that, I think it's time for me to take a step back from the blog. I'm not sure if it's a permanent step or not, but I think it might be.

Writing and publishing are time-consuming ventures and I'm stretched a little thin. Time isn't a renewable resource and at this point, I need to make some tough decisions about where to best spend that time.

While blogging has been a lot of fun, I think I can better use that time on my stories. I'll probably still pop in from time to time, but I'm not making any promises :)

Thank you to everyone who's visited, commented, helped me along the way. I hope I've done my fair share of reaching out and helping as well.

Thanks to Alex and the IWSG for this wonderful, safe place to talk and connect.

Wishing you all the very best! I'll only be an email away!