Back to business...
Way back in February, Patricia Stotley was kind enough to award me the Prolific Blogger Award. Love the image! If you haven't met Patricia yet, you have to pop on over - she's a great lady!

VR Barkowski and Laurel at Laurel's Leaves both awarded me the Sugar Doll award. You guys are so SWEET. Sorry. Couldn't resist. Plus, it's true.
I`m going to reserve the right to pass these along later - it`s report card season & I`m a little squirrelly at the moment.
So, going along with the direction of my thoughts when I hear "Sugar Doll", I`m going to ask you what your favourite sugar-filled treat is. And do your characters like the same treat?
I like chocolate and caramel together - even though I rarely buy a chocolate bar, I could eat a Caramilk at any point of any day. :)
My characters on the other hand live in Steampunk England and rarely think much about food. Their favourite treat is not having to cook and getting to buy hot food fresh from the market.
So, how about you? Any Caramilk fans out there?
Congrats on the many awesome awards, Jemi! :-)
Thanks Shannon :)
Congrats on the awards, Jemi!
I believe Caramilks are Caramellos in the US. And yes, I'm a fan. :)
VR - thanks :)
I've never heard of Caramellos - but I bet I'd like them. I keep forgetting the whole different names for chocolate bars thing.
I also like the Mars Bar/Milky Way now that I think about it!
I like caramell and butterscotch! I don't do chocolate, so they are good sweet alternatives.
Diane - yummy - I like butterscotch too. I'm the only one in my house who does like chocolate and I still find it hard to believe :)
And that reminds me of two awards I've never acknowledged. I'm a bad award recipient!
Thanks Alex - I know the feeling - I was really slow this time!!
Jemi, I've never heard of Caramilk before, but if it is like Caramello than I love them. But my characters don't eat many sweets. They're too busy. I, on the other hand, am never too busy for chocolate. :)
TK - I thought Caramilk was universal. There was a commercial series years back about "who put the caramilk in the caramilk bar?" that got everyone talking about them. It's been around here forever :)
I'm with you - maybe we're keeping our characters too busy so we can have all the chocolate for ourselves!
Well deserved awards! And steampunk England?! I am oh so intrigued.
I'll have to try caramilk next time I go to World Market, which is what my kids call "the chocolate store". Hmm... that tells you something about the way I shop!
I'm glad you and yours are getting through this hard time. I'm praying for you!
Congratulations on the awards, richly deserved. Have fun with the report cards. :)
Congrats on the award! Well deserved. I'm a peanut butter with chocolate gal, Reese's. Although some of the best bar chocolate I've ever had is Galaxy bars from the UK. It is the best, imho!
Mmm Caramik!! Congrats on the awards ;o)
Let's see my characters - well the MC girl she's totally eat chocolate, and in fact the guy would too! So yep, chocolate lovers there ;o)
Congratulations on your awards, Jemi, and an extra special thank you for calling me a great lady. I'm going to print that out and put it on my bulletin board. :)
Love caramilk bars! You reminded me of another candy bar that I have not seen in ages, perhaps they no longer make them, but it is a Sky Bar. It has about 5 or 6 sections and each has a differet filling. Similar to the Caramilks but with a variety of flavors.
Congratulations on the awards! My favorite treat is probably Heath bars. My characters live in the future, where almost all the population lives in refugee camps and treats are non-existent. When they travel back in time to 2012, though, strawberries are a big hit!
Jackee - I like the way you shop!!
Steampunk England is a fun place to write :) Thanks for the kind thoughts.
Thanks Mason! And, yes, report cards are a thrill a minute :)
Lisa - Reese's is the only way my son will tolerate chocolate :)
I'll have to try a Galaxy one day - sounds good!
Erica - yay another Caramilk fan :) Your characters sound realistic too! Love it!
Thanks Patricia! Love it! And I can't believe you haven't been called a great lady many times over :)
Lee - Woohoo - another Caramilk fan! I've never heard of a Sky bar - but I'll definitely look for it :)
Susan - I've never had a Heath bar - I'll hae to try it out.
Your book sounds great - and strawberries are a great treat anytime!!
Ohhhhhhhhh....Caramilk is my FAVORITE!! Yum Yum.
Congrats on your awards! You wear them beautifully.
Congrats on the swards. Well my characters work in a cupcake shop - yum. I had to do lots of research. They also have a weakness for diet coke and twizzlers :)
Hi Jemi,
I hesitated to comment on your earlier post, then I decided to but saw you had so many comments, I figured you might not even see mine. An awful tragedy and it wouldn't have mattered how it happened or what was involved, a tragedy, pure and simple. And I wanted to say how sorry I was and, yes, the emotions of adolescence are amplified a hundredfold. The sun is brighter, the days longer, friendships forged easily, and heartbreak more crushing. Your students are lucky to have you.
Congrats. on your blog.
I've never heard of caramilk. I do love caramel though (much better than chocolate!)and mint. Mmm! My characters are in a fantasy world sans candy bars... I'll have to think about their favorite treats awhile.
Congrats on the awards!!
I love pretty much anything sugary sweet. But my favorite candy bar is the Green and Blacks white chocolate with Madagascan vanilla. It's spectacular, but impossible to get here :( I also love pretty much all pastries, and oh...creme brulee...and cream puffs...and pie. Pie is delish. And ice cream, of course, and dulce de leche--I'm talking just spoonfuls all by themselves. Yum. Clearly, I could go on and on ;)
mmmm, love caramel and chocolate. I like it in numerous forms, even hot caramel over chocolate ice cream and those turtle candies that combine the two with pecans.
Sweet thoughts!
I so feel you on report card season. Hope you get them done and past this quick. :)
You have good taste, my dear. Caramel and chocolate is also MY fave. Salted caramel is even better. In cake, candy, or ice cream,it's always a good combo!
It's all chocolate to me. :)
Awww - thanks DL :)
Caramilk is gooooood!
Alexa - I love doing research - but for a cupcake shop? I'm definitely in!! :)
I gave up diet pop a few years back because of joint pain & headaches - but I used to drink a ton of it!
Thanks so much Yvonne! Your kind words mean so very much. It's so tough losing a young person. I appreciate your thoughts.
Nisa - just trust me on the delight of the Caramilk :) If you're a caramel fan, you'd love it. I like mint as well.
It's funny how many of our poor characters don't get treats. Maybe we should be nicer to them?? Nope! :)
Carol - Love it! I laughed all the way through your post. And I think I'm drooling a little :)
Tricia - chocolate ice cream with hot caramel sauce? I think I'm in heaven! I'm not a big nut fan (although I am a bit nutty) so I don't love turtles. I do make my own without nuts for Christmas though :)
Elana - thanks - it's so not my favourite season! But I'm getting closer to the end - yay!!
Jenny - salted caramel? Really?
Hmm, I'm thinking it's time for a walk to the corner store soon! :)
Jennifer - chocolate in pretty much any form is definitely a treat :)
Congrats sweetheart. So deserved :)
Thanks Wendy - you're a sweetie!
Congratulations on all of your awards, Jemi! :) I have never had Caramilk but it sounds heavenly... YUM. I like anything with milk chocolate!
Congrats on your awards! And you've got one more award waiting for you at my blog... :)
I love chocolate and caramel. Milky Ways are awesome. I like to buy ice cream with chocolate and caramel combinations. Great post. You've whet my appetite. I'm off to buy ice cream now. Hey, I'm under the weather and ice cream always makes me feel better.
Stephen Tremp
Thanks Julie! Caramilks are delicious - I think you'd love it :)
Shelley - Thanks so much - you're a sweetie - I'll pop over :)
Stephen - suddenly I'm craving some Rolo ice cream! Hope you get some and hope you're feeling better soon!
Never heard of Caramilk, but it sounds good. I like Butterfingers, which is why I never buy them!
Congrats on your awards.
Straight From Hel
You got me to thinking about those Sky Bars and since I haven't seen them years thought I'd google it. Don't know if you can get them in Canada, but Necco still makes them and they sound as good as I remember:
Congrats on the awards. I'm a Snickers gal myself.
Helen - I'm so with you. Love them - lust after them in the grocery line - never buy them. Too easy to gobble.
Lee - that was kinda mean :) - cause those Skybars look really, really good & now I really want to try one!
I expanded the google search, but couldn't find any listings in Canada - but I'm going to search!
LiLa - my son loves Snickers - or at least he used to. He rarely eats any junk food - he's an athlete, but when he was little that was a big treat for him. :)
I'm new here and arrived via my bloggy friend Shelley.
And now you've gone and made me hungry...for a big, moist cupcake.
Great blog, I'm adding you to my rss feeder reader.
Happy Weekend,
Hi Lola - nice to meet you :)
Yummmm - cupcakes are good! Enjoy!
You know I don't know what a Caramilk is, but it was all over a book I just read--'The Likeness' by Tana French, set in Ireland. Hmmm...I guess I'll have to give one a try.
Congrats on your awards!
Michele - I've learned a lot of things about Caramilk this week :) I assumed everyone was able to enjoy this fabulous treat - hope you get to try one soon!
Thanks :)
I understand the report card season comment. Just to complicate your life, I'm giving you the Sunshine award also. After this past winter, we all need a little of the bright stuff.
Susan - another teacher I see - they're just so much fun, aren't they? :)
I'll take all the Sunshine I can get - thank you so very much for thinking of me :)
I have no idea what caramilk is, but it sounds delicious! I think you need to have a contest giving them away for us unfortunate souls who've never tried one.
And congrats on all the awards!!
LiLa - Caramilk really is delicious - that sounds like a fun idea!
Thanks :)
Congrats Jemi on these awards.
Thanks Terra!
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