Monday, September 21, 2009

Mood Music

There's a Diana Krall concert on TV tonight. For me, that's about as good as it gets for mood music. She's got a great jazzy sound, and a gorgeous smoky voice. Beautiful stuff. I know the writing will flow just a little bit easier tonight.

Music affects my writing. Jazz is generally best for me - although I like a wide variety of music. I usually put my iTunes on shuffle when I'm writing, so I get a variety of styles and artists. Sometimes it blends into background noise, sometimes I find myself typing in beat. My kids have noticed that whether I can tell you what song is on or not, my toes always keep the rhythm. :)

How about you? Does music affect your writing? Do you even like writing with music on? I go a little squirrelly with total silence, but I know some people like it. What's your preference?


Cali MacKay said...

I usually use music to think of ideas, but I tend to find it distracting if I'm listening while trying to write. Although I do keep the television on in the background and it doesn't seem to bother me. Go figure. : )

Anonymous said...

For me music is a definite motivation of what my characters will do next. For example right now I'm listening to Sarah Brightman's album Harem and it's working out quite well for the scene I'm writing about now! ;o)

Jemi Fraser said...

Calista - isn't it weird how we can get used to some distractions, but not others! I can do TV when I'm editing or zipping along. If I'm struggling, it's gotta be music only :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Laynap - what a great idea - changing the music for the scene. Brightman's got some great stuff :) I tend to let my music shuffle. Maybe I'll try matching it to the scene and see what happens. Good idea - thanks!

Anonymous said...

Since I write historical fiction I generally try to compile a playlist of inspiration music from the particular period in which I am writing at a given moment. I also compile a file of visual inspirations (locations, period portraits, architecture) linked to my story. I find both help. But honestly, I can write under many, varied (and sometimes bizarre) circumstances. Guess I am lucky that way. Litgal

Jemi Fraser said...

Litgal - You must have an eclectic collection of music! I like the idea for using visuals as well. I think I'd need it for historicals. Keep me from adding anachronisms :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure this is a big surprise coming from me (*wink*), but I tend to listen to the Beatles a lot while writing. (I know, what a shocker...) Also, since I write YA, I try to keep up with new music at Rolling Stone, Pandora, etc. In truth, I'll turn to just about any type of good music for inspiration, whether it be classical, Broadway, or Rock.

Jemi Fraser said...

Beatles? Really? I am surprised! Okay - not in the least :)

I like a lot of different stuff too. Listening to the new music is a great idea for any YA authors - awesome!

Elspeth Futcher said...

If there's music on while I'm writing, it'll will be classical. Guaranteed. I can't listen to lyrics when I'm writing as it confuses my poor brain. If I'm really on a roll, I write in silence...which isn't actually silence because I mutter - both the occasional bit of dialogue that I'm writing and appropriate editorial comments!


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I love Diana Krall!

And I love music as inspiration (although, like Elspeth, I have to listen to non-lyrical music when I'm actually writing.)

Mystery Writing is Murder

Jemi Fraser said...

Elspeth - I'm a mutterer, too! So glad, I'm not alone. I like classical as well when I'm writing. I also use it a lot in my classroom during tests and work time. The kids look at me kind of funny at the beginning of the year when I play it (and jazz, and blues...), but they soon learn to enjoy it.

Elizabeth - yay - another Krall fan :) My mom always played classical, so I've always enjoyed it. I like the non-lyrical jazz for background, too.

Thanks for stopping by to comment :)