Sunday, May 16, 2010

15 Fantasy Island Favourites!

Arlee Bird over at Tossing it Out has sent out another challenge. This is a one day blog hop showcasing which 15 albums (am I showing my age???) you'd most like to have with you if you were alone on a deserted island. I'm posting a little early because tomorrow is going to be insane and I don't know if I'll be on the computer until quite late. Gotta love those kind of Mondays!

Music is a HUGE part of my life. Some of my earliest memories revolve around singing and listening to music. I remember vividly my first record player (yes record player) - it was plastic and it was purple. I loved it and played it endlessly. Now I prefer my iPod with its 1000+ songs. :)

So here are the top 15 albums in my life. In no particular order:

1. Elton John: All of them??? Okay, okay. Greatest Hits 1970-2002. If I had to pick one artist, it would be him. He amazes me.

2. Billy Joel: Greatest Hits - all 3 CDs! That counts as one, right? Sure!

3. Bryan Adams: The Best of Me. I adore Bryan Adams. He's got a great edgy voice and his songs are pretty diverse. He's great no matter what my mood is.

4. Shania Twain: her self titled album - the one where she really made a name for herself. This album is full of fun songs and upbeat rhythms. And watching Shania (who came from another small city here in Northern Ontario) change the face of country music and even fashion itself was so much fun!

5. Barry Manilow: The Ultimate Manilow. Yup - I'm a Manilow fan. Big Time! Sad, but true :) Barry gets a bad rap, but his song writing ability is incredible. Many of his songs reach right into me. There are so many good memories associated with his songs. In fact, I'd probably take along a few more of his CDs with me. Maybe I could bring the boxed set?

6. Barbra Streisand: the Concert Album. Babs has the ultimate voice. When I'm in the mood I can listen to her for hours on end.

7. Queen: Night at the Opera. I loved this album growing up - wore it out and had to buy another one. Mercury's vocals are awesome. One of my prouder moments in life was being able to play Bohemian Rhapsody on the piano. It's such a wild song - still love it!

8. Something by Sharon, Lois & Bram. My kids didn't watch tons of TV when they were little, but they were mesmerized by reruns of SL&B's Elephant Show. I have no idea which CD to take, but I'd want one for all the memories it would bring me of my kids.

9. Burton Cummings: Best of Burton Cummings. I've always loved this album. He's got such a unique sound. And it would send me right back to my teen years. And my first concert. Great stuff!

10. Genesis: probably The Way We Walk: The Shorts - although there are several from this band I could choose. And maybe one of Phil Collins solo albums too.

11. Phantom of the Opera: the album with Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman. Their voices send chills through me.

12. Nylons: Most of their albums are short, so I'd like to compile a few together. They have awesome a capella harmonies and great tunes from the 50s, 60s and 70s - as well as some beautiful tunes of their own. Human Family and Buy Back the Amazon are incredible songs with powerful messages.

13. Cher: One of her greatest hits albums - probably If I Could Turn Back Time. From the time I heard that voice, I was a huge fan. She's an amazing lady.

14. Tina Turner: Simply the Best. Yes.

15. Bon Jovi - The boxed set counts? Super because 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong. Okay then, the Live From the Have a Nice Day Tour instead. :)

Okay that was really hard!! There are so many more I could include. I didn't include any of my more modern faves - these are the ones that have stood the test of time for me. But I'd really like Daughtry, Nickelback, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Hudson... Then there's the James Taylor, Carly Simon... Then the classical composers... And Aerosmith. Journey. John Cougar Mellancamp. Yikes I forgot the Barenaked Ladies!!

I'm not changing it anymore! This is so hard... *sigh*

Pop on over to Lee's blog to follow the blog hop!

So, who be the artist you couldn't live without?


Anonymous said...

Well, it's now official, Jemi. We are twins separated at birth!

We love exactly the same type of music. I especially love Elton John, whom I had the privilege of seeing some years ago in London.

And of course, the lovely Tina Turner. She is, Simply the Best!

Good post, sister :)

Mason Canyon said...

Lot of great songs here. But how could you forget the Barenaked Ladies? I first heard them years ago when we got our satellite (the huge dish kind) and was able to see several Canadian channels. BTW, love the Canadian programming and miss it so much.

Thoughts in Progress

Jemi Fraser said...

Wendy - Woohoo! Our separation at birth has been confirmed :)

Elton John is amazing - I'm lucky enough to have tickets to see him this summer. I'm so excited!!

Thanks sis!

Jemi Fraser said...

Mason - I know! BNL is such a great group - from the moment I first heard the Million Dollar song I've been hooked. And Beautiful is one of the most hauntingly beautiful songs I know.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm agreeing you for about half of those. I would leave Barry at home though. LOL

Jemi Fraser said...

Susan - lol :) I think most people would agree with you! I know my hubby would leave him behind without even a second thought. :)

VR Barkowski said...

Love your selections Jemi! Maybe not what I would take myself, but I'd certainly enjoy having you next to me on the island. :) And I love the idea of this challenge. I'm heading over to Arlee's to check it out. I've been working hard all weekend. This could be the perfect distraction.

Jemi Fraser said...

Thanks VR!

Music is so personal - it's always interesting to see what different people would take. I bet we'd be pretty good island buddies!

Unknown said...

My husband just Bryan Adams in concert a few months back. It was all acoustic and my husband said it was one of the best he'd ever been too. (he works at the theater occasionally, and was happy to get that show and be paid to see it.)

Jemi Fraser said...

Mary - Lucky!!! Adams is awesome - entertaining with such a great voice :) How nice to not only see it, but get paid too! Wow.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, Jemi, now I'm going to have to change my list for Arlee's challenge! You had a few I forgot about. My girlfriend swears Bryan Adams blew her a kiss at one of his first concerts through our town.
(Poor Habs had a rough go of it tonight.)

Jemi Fraser said...

Lynn - It's so hard, isn't it! I think I changed my list 100 times!

Your lucky friend! He does put on an awesome concert :)

The Habs had a horrible night! They'll have to put that behind them!

Stephanie Thornton said...

Queen is great! I was just talking to another teacher about how popular Queen is with our student body. It's pretty cool!

Jessica Bell said...

Wow, Jemi. You've sure got a sweet tooth for the popular, don't you? I know each and every one and am not a fan of any. LOL. Though I am in awe of Streisand. Never listened to her music much, but every time I hear her voice, my head pricks up like a little puppy. :)

Arlee Bird said...

The Nylons -- Never got much notice in the states but I have a number of cassettes of them that I got in the 80's-- they were so good.

You left off some of my real favorite Canadian artists: Bruce Cockburn, Neil Young, Murray MacLaughlin. Then there was the Parachute Club -- I really like their music. I thought Lisa DalBello was pretty good as well. As was Luba. I used to like The Box as well---they were from Montreal. Gosh you got me going with Canadian artists now--It's sad that so many were basically ignored or underplayed in the U.S.

But good list anyway!

Tossing It Out

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Nostalgic list!!!!

India Drummond said...

Wow, Jemi, we must be exactly the same age! heehee

Mari said...

Ohh, I'm sorry to say, my dear, that your choices kind of showcase your age. But worry not, we're all in the same range, heh. ;)

Ah, I've left you (yet another) award on my blog. Psst, there's a challenge to go with, heh. ;)

Here's the link:

Jan Morrison said...

Joni Mitchel - Court & Spark
John Hiatt
Death, the Musical - from the hit musical - (ok I confess, I'm one of the writers)
Mahalia Jackson
Chip Taylor & Carrie Rodriguez
McGarrigle Sisters
Rufus Wainwright
Ian Tamblyn
Sweet Honey on the Rock
Angele Dubeau
Leonard Cohen
kd Lang
Canadian Piano Trio
Etta James
ok - that's it and I could tinker all day - that's the one for today's trip to a desert island...

Jemi Fraser said...

Stephanie - I love Queen. It amazes me how often they become popular with my students. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

AA - lol :)

You nailed it! I'm a complete & total sap! Streisand does have an incredible voice. :)

Thanks fot dropping by!

Jemi Fraser said...

Lee - I adore the Nylons - great harmonies!

You've got more of my faves on that list. I do like a lot of Canadian music - and there are so many talented musicians who never get recognized much beyond our borders. Sad.

I'll have to wait until after work to check out yours and the other entries! Great job again Lee :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Jojo - thanks - it really is. :)

Thanks for popping over - I'll check out your site after work today!

Jemi Fraser said...

India - it's funny how those favourites come from when we were young. I love a lot of modern music - but my faves have a history with me :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Mari - yup! Music shows our age for sure! Is it because we're so intense as teens that the music from that era means so much? Hmmm.

Thanks so much - you're a sweetie! :) I'll pop on over & see - you've got my curiousity going now!

Jemi Fraser said...

Jan - love your choices - I'll have to check out Death, the Musical! :)

You've also got a ton of great Canadians on there - super stuff - we could hang out on that island! :)

Al said...

I've tagged you. Find the details over at my blog


Publish or Perish

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I'm with you on a lot of these, Jemi. I'm a secret Manilow fan, too. :)

Mystery Writing is Murder

Susan Fields said...

What a fun post! I really enjoyed reading about your favorite albums. If I had to pick one artist I couldn't live without, it would be the Goo Goo Dolls (just ask my kids, who don't even want to ride in my car anymore because they're sooo sick of the Goo Goo Dolls!)

Aubrie said...

Phantom of the Opera is the best! I loved the music so much I arranged it for flute choir.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

LOL - I selected several 'best of' collections as well!

Tara said...

It is funny how music really gives a big hint to a peron's age!

I love your picks. And, I cheated and went with a few Greatest Hits albums, too. Including Billy Joel ;)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I posted my fifteen today!

Talli Roland said...

Great albums, Jemi! Bryan Adams, who can wrong with him?


I knew all of these, a great list and a pleasure to look and recollect more memories with your collection.


Gregg Metcalf said...

Great list!

Terry Odell said...

Can't I just bring my iTunes library?

Please? But I know I'd have to have the Beatles, and probably Neil Diamond for nostalgic reasons, and Simon & Garfunkel, because they were a major influence in writing my first book.

Julie Dao said...

You have some amazing picks here! Love Phantom of the Opera and Queen. Your deserted island would definitely have great tunes all the time :)

B. Miller said...

Wow, what a great list!! I have some favorites on here - Elton John, Billy Joel, and Tina Turner are awesome! I went to see Tina in concert a few years ago and she was incredible!!

Thanks for participating! :D

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I'm also a Barry Manilow fan, as long as I don't have to see him singing the songs.

Stephen Tremp

Unknown said...

Lee's on fire with all these wonderful blogfests!!!

I wouldn't have been has successful with this one since I'm not a huge music fan but I suppose an artist I couldn't live without would have to be A Fine Frenzy, I love the music and without it I don't think I would be near as happy!

Lindsay said...

Love your choices. You're right though, there are too many artists to narrow it down. It was really hard for me to just put 15 down. heehee.

Rosalind Adam said...

Some great music there, Jemi. I love the Best Of albums. I'd have to include the best of Bee Gees and best of Rod Stewart albums too if I had been doing this challenge but as I've only just logged on I won't have time.

Jemi Fraser said...

Al - thanks! I'll pop on over and check it out! :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Elizabeth - yay - another Manilow fan - I think most of us are in hiding :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Susan - our kids do get sick of our favourite music & I guess sometimes the feeling is mutual!! :)

I like the GooGoo Dolls as well - they're fun!

Jemi Fraser said...

Aubrie - that would be AWESOME!! I'd love to hear that. The songs are haunting - my class this year is now addicted to the CD :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Diane - thank heavens for 'best ofs' I don't know what I would have done without them. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Tara - I totally agree - I think the music that has stayed with me the longest has been music I learned to love as a teen and pre-teen. :)

I'll be over to see you picks in a bit!

Jemi Fraser said...

Alex - I bet our lists are very different! I'll check them out in a bit :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Talli - I think Bryan Adams is amazing! He's definitely one of my all-time faves :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Thanks Yvonne - I love all kinds of music - lot of faves from today's artists, but these artists have stuck with me over time!

Jemi Fraser said...

Gregg - thanks! I know it's not most people's style, but it works for me! :)

Thanks for dropping by :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Terry - those are great additions! I love all 3 of those - can't believe I didn't put a single Beatles song on here (Hope jmarting's not looking!!!)

Jemi Fraser said...

Julie - thanks! I know I'd have fun - but I also know not everyone likes the same thing :)

I love Phantom :)

Jemi Fraser said...

B - I'd love to see Tina in concert! She must put on an amazing show!! :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Stephen - lol :) Barry is a great songwriter, but he's not a dancer!

I wish I'd been able to see him in concert when he was younger.

Jemi Fraser said...

Jen - I agree - life is much stronger with our favourite songs. I can't imagine living life without music :)

Lee is on fire with these blogfests!

Jemi Fraser said...

Lindsay - it is really, really hard to narrow it down to 15. I've thought of literally dozens I could add since I wrote this! :)

I'll pop over to your blog in a bit - supper's almost ready!

Jemi Fraser said...

Rosalind - Rod Stewart! I forgot him too! *sigh* It's so hard to keep it to 15, but it was fun to try!! :)

Patricia Stoltey said...

I'd take your list, Jemi. There are only a couple of artists I don't know, and all the rest have a presence in my CD rack. The one thing that stopped me cold and made me say WOW! was learning you could play Bohemian Rhapsody on the piano. That is awesome.

Jemi Fraser said...

Patricia - Yay! Another fan of light and sappy music :)

I love Bohemian Rhapsody - such a bizarre collection of melodies and harmonies. I can only play the first slow part now - and I haven't had access to a piano in probably 6 years, so I doubt I can even do that anymore :)


Hi,Thanks forthe visit,there was a long ,long space between blog and comments I don't know why but thanks for leaving it on the preceeding one much appreciated.


Jemi Fraser said...

Yvonne - yikes - I guess I just didn't scroll enough! Next time I'll check better - glad you found the comment though! :)

Donna Volkenannt said...

My list would include: U2, Sam and Dave, Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, The Beatles, The Eagles, Credence Clearwater Revival, Janis Joplin, Aerosmith, The Rolling Stones, ZZ Top, Leonard Skynard, The Who, B.B. King, and Strauss

Jemi Fraser said...

Donna - Those are some great choices! There are several on there I'd like to add to my list: CCR, Eagles, BB King and of course Aretha! Wow - can't believe I forgot her!

Helen Ginger said...

I've got four of those, not albums, but CDs. My favorite album was/is Ina Gada Da Vida (not even sure if I'm spelling that correctly). I had it back when it was an album and loved it. Sooo wish I still had it.

Straight From Hel

Unknown said...

Wow, I'll have to try this one... hard! Queen has always been my favorite band, though... A Night at the Opera is my second favorite of their albums (after Queen II). Always love seeing them on someone else's top list!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I KNEW I loved you for a reason! YAY! I am a total, Fanilow! I have loved Barry Manilow for as long as I can remember. My husband surprised me with a trip to Vegas to see him in concert for my 40th birthday. *sigh* It was wonderful. I also love, love, love Phantom of the Opera. :-)

Ron Easton for Dads UnLimited said...

Wow that's a lot of comments! A fun list.

Anonymous said...

Some great music there (some... not all) ..LOL

Jemi Fraser said...

Helen - I don't know that one.

Actually my faves are all on CD, although I do have a couple of them as albums still :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Lindsay - there's just something about that Queen sound - so distinctive, so much fun. I've seen them on a lot of the lists :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Shannon - Yay another fan!! I've never seen him in concert - he was close twice (only 8 hours away by car) but both times I wasn't able to go. *sigh* Lucky you! Maybe your hubby could talk to my hubby... :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Inside Out - thanks :) It was sure a lot of fun to put together! Thanks for dropping by!

Jemi Fraser said...

Michelle - lol :)

Let me guess... not a Manilow fan I bet!

Jackee said...

LOL! I think you got away with DOUBLE the number. I love the first Shania Twain album too, for all the reasons you mention.

Good luck with the last of school! And look! You're almost at 200 followers--congrats. :o)

Anonymous said...

I inadvertently ended up at a Barry Manilow concert about 15 years ago, and it was GREAT!!!! I liked his songs before that, but now consider myself a fan.

Jemi Fraser said...

Jackee - you're so right! I snuck in so many 'best ofs' and double albums!

Shania's got such fun music :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Layinda - that's so awesome! I'd love to inadvertently end up at one of his concerts! He does get the audience involved a lot :)

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

Although I did own "A Night At The Opera" when I was a teenager, I was never really a fan of Queen. However, I gotta say that they did come up with one of the best lyric lines of all time, and one which I still fairly regularly catch myself singing:

"Told my girl I'd have to forget her
Rather buy me a new carburetor"

Ha! That's truly a classic!

~ "Lonesome Dogg" McD-Fens

Jemi Fraser said...

Stephen - that is a great lyric. I find Queen one of those 'oh so easy to identify' bands. Which is probably while only 1 album would ever make my faves :)

Dawn Simon said...

Fun post. :) My tastes are eclectic. I like All-American Rejects, Beyonce, The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, The Black Eyed Peas...I'm kind of all over the board.

Jemi Fraser said...

Dawn - lol :) I actually liked all the artists you listed - so I guess I'm pretty all over the place myself!

Anonymous said...

Totally have to throw in some Steve Miller, Journey and Fleetwood Mac.

I love me some classic "Alabama" as well from time to time and I couldn't live without the Shrek sound track or newsboys greatest hits.

Fun post.

Jemi Fraser said...

Cat - I love your additions! Definitely need some Journey. There are so many artists I'd love to include :)

cleemckenzie said...

Not big on Barry, but Tina and Cher and Sarah B. are way up on my list of favorites.

Lisa said...

Great list. Like you said, the majority of your artists have stood the test of time! I like some of your more modern favorites, too. :)

ModernDayDrifter said...

I love music so I loved this list on your blog! Nice job on it! I should do something like this, thanks for the idea!

Jemi Fraser said...

C Lee - yeah - not too many people are big on Barry :)

Tina, Sarah and Cher can sure belt it out though!

Jemi Fraser said...

Lisa - there are some albums, songs, artists I can listen to over and over and over again! They never get old even when they go out of style :)

Thanks so much for dropping by!

Jemi Fraser said...

Jessica - it was a lot of fun to compile the list - but a lot of anguish too! I keep reading other posts and finding more artists I didn't even consider that I'd love to include! :)

Buttercup said...

We've got a lot of the same -- but I would definitely have the Beatles, especially "Revolver" and "Rubber Soul." I might take Crosby, Stills and Nash, too. I think I still have their albums for totally sentimental reasons. And Frank Sinatra...

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha! This is one reason I didn't do the album post... I'd just list the greatest hits collections of so many people too. I agree with many of yours... LOVE Elton John and Billy Joel, Bon Jovi and Bryan Adams. I'd throw Les Mis soundtrack in with Phantom (or surely there is some huge box set of Broadway scores?) and add quite a bit of contemporary Christian as well. And the Beatles. Great list!

Jemi Fraser said...

Buttercup - Those are some really good additions too! I have so many albums and artists I enjoy! Hard stuff :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Thanks Melody - thank heavens for 'best of' albums! :)

I didn't think of Les Mis - but it's awesome as well! I do have a couple of 'best of Broadway' CDs I use in my classroom all the time. Great stuff!

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed this blogfest! Though I wouldn't have been much to participate I love seeing everyone's music choices!

JKB said...

Gosh, it's actually hard to say! I think I am a reincarnated hippie...I love all the old 60s and 70s stuff.

Plus U2. Gotta have U2.

Jemi Fraser said...

Jen - it was a fun blogfest - although I haven't made it to everyone's blogs yet.

It was so tough coming up with the top choices!

Jemi Fraser said...

Jen - I agree - you gotta have U2 - I need a bigger list!

And I love the stuff from the 60s and 70s too :)

Lorel Clayton said...

Oooh, I love most of those too (especially Bryan Adams, Queen, and Bon Jovi)! You must be an '80's chick like me.

Jemi Fraser said...

Lorel - yup! 80s chick indeed :) There was some really good (and some really bad!) music in those years!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

There's no one quite like Michael Crawford or Sarah Brightman, too bad they've retired. *Sigh* :(

Katie said...

Love Phantom! I'd have to go with the Gerard Butler/Emmy Rossum one, though. Something about her voice just gets me every time. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Elizabeth - yes - their voices are spectacular - nothing quite like them. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

KM - Phantom is incredible! I don't know their voices as well but they're probably just as spectacular. :)

A said...

#3, #13, #14 and #15 -- for sure.

Unknown said...

OMG -- I hope I'm marooned on your island! Great list, Jemi!

Jemi Fraser said...

Agnes - Bryan Adams has shown up on a lot of lists! I'm surprised not to have seen more Cher and Tina & Bon Jovi though. I thoughts more people would have them.

Thanks so much for stopping by :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Nicole - thanks Nicole :) I know my faves wouldn't fit on everyone's list, but I love them!

Elana Johnson said...

You've got a great list here, but you're missing Maroon 5. I don't make a single CD without the voice of Adam Levine. He is divine. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Elana - I like Maroon 5 too. That was the was first grown up CD my daughter ever bought! Forget them too *sigh*

Lisa Gail Green said...

You know I've seen at least two of those you mentioned in concert. How's that for showing my age?

Jemi Fraser said...

Lisa - me too! Nothing like fave music to give away the age :)

I've seen 2 of them live as well - I'd like to see a few more!