Wednesday, February 2, 2022


 The Insecure Writer's Support Group is the brainchild of Alex J. Cavanaugh. He, his clones, minions, friends, and fellow authors make it an amazing event every month.

IWSG badge

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!  

February 2 question - Is there someone who supported or influenced you that perhaps isn't around anymore? Anyone you miss?

It seems like such a long time ago when I joined the online writing community! Way back then I thought agents were for actors and that only famous people wrote books.

I've learned a lot since then!

On the very first day I decided to try to write a book, I stumbled across a site called Agent Query with a forum called Agent Query Connect. I didn't know what a query was. Nor did I know what a forum was...

Regardless, I clicked and a whole new world opened up for me. I discovered that regular people wrote books and that maybe I could, too. I discovered a whole new language (including query and forum) and a slew of acronyms (WIP, POV, MC...).

I found an amazing group of writers always willing to help others. I learned so much about craft, more about queries, the importance of being succint, and the power of feedback. I found my first critique buddies. I found the courage to share my work. It was an amazing community.

Agent Query is no longer around - and I never did discover the person/people behind the AQCrew persona but whoever they are, I hope they're enjoying fabulous success and joy.

If I hadn't stumbled into that inclusive, caring community, I doubt I would have ever have written books strong enough to be published. While I still keep in contact with many of those writers through FB and Twitter, I do miss the AQC community!

There are many echoes between AQC & IWSG which might explain why I think so highly of IWSG as well!

How about you? Any people or communities who have helped you along your path (writing or non-writing!)? Anyone else know about AQC?


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's sad it's no longer around. Glad you found us though!

Jemi Fraser said...

Me too!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That group show you that you could do it, too. And have you ever!

Rachna Chhabria said...

I found a wonderful writing community through my blog. I also found my critique partners through it.

Natalie Aguirre said...

That's great that Agent Query helped you so much at the beginning. I joined SCBWI and found a lot of support and information that helped me when I was starting out. It still is a great resource.

Jemi Fraser said...

Thanks so much, Diane!

Jemi Fraser said...

I've found so many writing buddies through my blog as well! Love this blogging community!

Jemi Fraser said...

I've heard nothing but great things about SCBWI!

Pat Garcia said...

I find it fantastic that you had a group that was so supportive before you found the IWSG. You knew what you were looking for and felt at home when you joined the IWSG.
All the best.

Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Jemi Fraser said...

That's exactly it, Pat!!

cleemckenzie said...

I'm always surprised when I stumble onto something the way you did with Agent Query. Was it an accident or was it luck? I suppose that question doesn't really matter. What does is that you found what you needed to spur you on and now you have a great series!

M.J. Fifield said...

I've had a lot of writers, both in real life and online, that have taught and supported me so much.

I'm so glad AQC got you going—you're doing great!!

Elephant's Child said...

How wonderful that you found Agent Query. At just the right time for you - which became the right time for us and all your readers.

nashvillecats2 said...

This was interesting to read Jemi, thanks for sharing. Hope all is well with you.


Tyrean Martinson said...

That's sad they are no longer active, but I'm glad you found the support and encouragement! Your writing is so fun to read.
Happy IWSG day!

Jemi Fraser said...

It was a terrific group of people!

Jemi Fraser said...

Thanks, Lee. The story I worked on way back then still nudges my brain once in a while. I think it might be the impetus to series 3 if I get that far!

Jemi Fraser said...

Thanks, MJ! We're so lucky when we find people!

Jemi Fraser said...

You're so sweet, Sue. Thank you!

Jemi Fraser said...

We've keeping on at keeping on, Yvonne!

Jemi Fraser said...

Thanks, Tyrean - that totally made my day!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I remember Agent Query! It was a very helpful resource.

emaginette said...

Finding community is huge. It enables us to attempt anything. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

Carol Kilgore said...

I'm glad you found your first writing peeps and they were good. I found mine elsewhere, but they were good, too.

Anonymous said...

Community is so important! How awesome that you found one early to launch your dreams. I never came across AQC, but it sounds like the kind of support I've found with IWSG.

Olga Godim said...

I never heard of Agent Query, but I think IWSG is a very supportive environment. I find it very helpful in a lot of ways too.
And of course, I like WEP. As a forum for flash fiction, I don't think it has an equal on the net right now. But then, I might be biased: I'm a member of the WEP admin team.

Jemi Fraser said...

It really was! A great place filled with fabulous people!

Jemi Fraser said...

Agreed! Definitely couldn't do this writing journey without my buddies!

Jemi Fraser said...

And we've found more now as well!

Jemi Fraser said...

There are a lot of similarities between the two groups!

Jemi Fraser said...

I agree - WEP is another fabulous group of writers (and admin!). It's a great experience!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

The writing community is truly amazing and supportive. I'm so glad you found it because I love your books.

Jemi Fraser said...

Thanks so much, Lynda - you made my day!!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I didn't know Agent Query wasn't around anymore. I spent a lot of time with it years ago.

Jemi Fraser said...

It was such a great site!

Deniz Bevan said...

I know how you feel -- that's how I feel about It's so great to find a writing community!

Jemi Fraser said...

It's so great to find a community that works for us!

Toi Thomas said...

AQC is new to me but I've always been slow to pick up on helpful resources. Too introverted for my own good, but IWSG changed a lot for me. I've met so many people through this wonderfully supportive community.

Jemi Fraser said...

AQC & IWSG have a lot of commonalities! :)
As another introvert, I hear ya! It's difficult to join in so much of the time.

Michelle Wallace said...

You are so fortunate to have discovered two great writing communities - first AQC and now IWSG!
The value of a writing community is immeasurable. I would never have even considered writing if I hadn't discovered the IWSG.

Jemi Fraser said...

I know! Writers are amazing and I've been very lucky with the ones I've met!

Shannon Lawrence said...

I didn't think about the question referring to a community, but it helps to look at it that way. Mine was the local writing community and in-person events. Glad you found the AQ folks!

Damyanti Biswas said...

So lovely that you found such a supportive community just when you needed it, Jemi!

Jemi Fraser said...

AQC was the first thing that came to mind - and then I felt a little silly when I read everyone's posts about real-life people :) But that's the way the brain works!

Jemi Fraser said...

There was a lot of serendipity in that moment!